Mounes St. Subsurface Drainage Improvements

Jefferson Parish

Home ยป Mounes St. Subsurface Drainage Improvements

Kenall performed the geotechnical investigation and analyses, and provided recommendations for the Mounes Street subsurface drainage improvements project. This project encompassed drainage improvements along Mounes Street, extending from Clearview Parkway to Dickory Avenue.

We performed subsurface investigation and laboratory analyses, and provided a summary geotechnical report with our findings and recommendations related to project design and planned structures.

Our comprehensive summary report of findings and recommendations included a boring location plan and individual boring logs, cross sections, and a fence diagram; drawings; a summary of the laboratory data; a discussion of the subsoil and ground water conditions; recommendations for culvert bedding; recommendations for temporary retaining structures (TRS); earthwork and construction recommendations; pavement design recommendations; the anticipated effects of fill placement on the site, potential settlement issues, and related recommendations; and a discussion of groundwater/de-watering for the TRS design.




Jefferson Parish


